Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mosiah 24: 12, 14, 15, 22

In verse 12 I find that throughout the day I pour my heart out to Heavenly Father.  I'm glad that he knows the thoughts of my heart.  Just this afternoon as I was walking by the Catholic church there was a funeral going on. In my heart I asked Heavenly Father to please bless and comfort the family of the deceased.  Sometimes I even cry out what am I going to make for dinner!

In verse 14 isn't it interesting how he said he will ease and lighten the burdens not take them away.  At the end of verse 15 it says they did submit cheerfully and with patience.  How many people submit cheerfully and patience with their trials?  It is indeed a hard thing!  We had a period where we had trial after trial and I admit we did not submit cheerfully or with patience.  I finally with the Lord's help did submit cheerfully and with patience.  It worked a lot better than the way I was trying to handle it!  At one point we had some work we needed done on a car.  I was discouraged and angry and crying buckets of tears.  I was so distraught that I cried out in my heart for peace.  I immediately felt peace and was happy again even though nothing changed.  The following Sunday in Relief Society the Hymn we were going to sing was 122.  Sister Hart said let's sing 123 instead and I was so grateful to her.  The line that struck me was "Lord, grant me thy abiding love and make my turmoil cease."  That day when I need it so much he made my turmoil cease.

My last thought was verse 22.  "And they gave thanks to God, yea, all their men and all their women and all their children that could speak lifted their voices in the praises of their God."  I love that everyone even the children that could speak praised God.  That is so powerful and should always be that way!