Saturday, September 22, 2012


Ensigh September 2012
Repentance That Brings Conversion

"For both new and old members of the Chruch, here are five pratcies that can change our lives.  These are commandments of God and will help us remain faithful, even in the face of trials and temptations.  If we follow them, these practices will allow the Holy Spirit to continue to strive with us and strengthen us as our testimonies grow:

    1.  Hold personal and family scripture study.
    2.  Hold Personal and family prayer.
    3.  Hold family home evening.
    4.  Pay and honest tithe.
    5.  Serve other by fulfilling church callings.

If we establish the traditions of a righteous people, we will overcome our weaknesses, progress in our faith, and not fall away.

I have known a couple of families that have fallen away from the church. I can't help wondering if they did all of this and if not if they would have fallen away if they did.  I get so tired of hearing all of the negative comments and doubts that seem to be out there lately about the church.  It would be nice to hear once in awhile good comments and strong testimonies.  I think it can be really easy to fall away if we start to doubt and keep continuing.  I am going to cut out these five steps to remind me and keep my testimony strong.