Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Lord's Way

General Conference
May 2013

I love how he would ask, "Do you want me to speak directly or with sugar?"  I really love this quote, "God has the way to live, to love, to help, to pray, to talk, to interact with each other, to lead, to marry, to raise children, to learn, to know the truth, to share the gospel, to choose wisely what we eat, etc."  "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts," (Isaiah 55:8-9)  More and more people these days "every man walketh in his own way." (D&C 1:16)  I'm just going to quote the next thing because I can't think of another way to say it.  "The Lord has His way, or the way to love.  Those of the world say that what really matters is that two people love each other.  Our Father in heaven teaches that this is important, but he teaches us more: that there is an authorized way and time to express that love."  When Joseph Smith was asked how he led the church he said that he taught the correct principles and then the members would govern themselves.  It's not true when people say we are just blindly following doing what we're told.  Not everyone pays tithing.  Not everyone keeps the sabbath day holy.  Just look at the news to see that not everyone is doing what they are told.  We listen to what we're told to do and then we choose for ourselves whether we want to do it or not.

The Eternal Importance of Honesty

Ensign April 2010

This was a good article.  Here is my favorite part, "Remember, the Lord expects us as members of His Church not only to appear to be good but also to actually be good.  We are ultimately responsible to learn gospel principles and apply them in our lives."  I think there are a lot of people that are really great at putting on a facade.  The last part also applies to why we learn the same thing over and over.  We have learned the principles but are we applying them in our lives?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


General Conference May 2013

The Savior Wants to Forgive

Peter once asked how many times he was to forgive he brother and asked "Till seven times?"  The Savior responded "I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven."  I found it interesting that more than 20 times the Savior told Joseph Smith that his sins were forgiven over many years.  It is a comfort that except a very few sins forgiveness is not based upon the severity of the sin.  It is also a comfort that he does not demand immediate perfection but improvement over time.  Though we will be forgiven seventy times seven we are not to take advantage and willingly return to sin.  An excellent piece of advice about sinning is "Leaders and members to 'not be shocked or discouraged' if investigators or new members continue to struggle with such problems."