Tuesday, October 1, 2013

General Women's Conference

This year I was able to attend at the Conference Center.  This was my first time going there for a conference.  I am grateful to my sister for getting tickets for my mom and I.  I love General Conference.  I absolutely love seeing thousands of people gather together to listen to these inspired speakers.  I love hearing thousands of people singing the hymns. 

I looked at all these women who have a testimony or want one and belong to the church.  As I looked at them though I realized that not one of them were perfect.  If you looked at each individual woman you would know that they all have weakness.  That they all have at some point made a mistake.  Some of them may have yelled at their children that week.  Some of them may have said an unkind word or had an unkind thought about somebody.  Maybe some of them don't read their scriptures or say their prayers on a regular basis.  Maybe some don't pay tithing, attend church or the temple regularly.  They are there though because they have a desire to do and be better.  The members of the church are not perfect but the gospel is.

One of the things that touched me that night was actually one of the songs the congregation sang.  It was "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go".  It hit me because I struggle with being a stay at home mom.  I was struggling more than usual that week.  I quit my job because I felt that was what I needed to do and I heard the spirit whisper to me that I would be blessed.  I felt as we were singing that I was to be a stay at home mom and so, "I'll be what you want me to be".

I hope that all of you will listen to the prophet and other inspired speakers this weekend.  For those of you who follow me but are not members or are inactive you can watch on Channel 5.  You can also watch it online at lds.org.

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