Tuesday, February 25, 2014

"The Great and Wonderful Love"

General Conference
November 2006


I really loved this talk.  I think it is a good talk for mothers.  There were three specific sayings that stood out to me.

"God the Father is merciful and has infinite love for you despite your faults.  Only the voice of Satan will cause you to feel of no value."  I love that to hear that God loves us despite our imperfections.  I know that when I start to feel of no value that Satan is trying to break down the door to get to me.  Sometimes it's worse than other times.  Satan works on me telling me that being a mother isn't enough.  That I should be doing more and thinking of myself more and what I don't get.  I struggle with being a stay at home mom at times and I know Satan is battering away at that door.  The funny thing is at the same time Satan makes me feel like I'm not a good enough mother and homemaker.  "When you feel worthless, 'remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.'  Refrain from repeatedly thinking or saying negative words about yourself--there is a clear difference between humility and humiliation.  Identify and use your unique talents rather than dwelling on your weaknesses."

"When you feel overwhelmed by expectations and challenges, do not fight the battle alone.  Follow the example of small children, and drop to your knees in prayer."  I especially loved this one.  Just the night before  I read this I was trying to come up with a family home evening lesson, I still needed to listen to Emily read her books,  I had a manuscript I needed to write a review for by Friday and I had a few services I was doing that week.  I was feeling exhausted and overwhelmed.  I was looking through some stuff under my night stand for a lesson.  I leaned against the bed and just told Heavenly father that I was was exhausted and felt overwhelmed.  After that I felt a surge of energy and was able to do a lesson and listen to Emily read.  I know that my Heavenly Father loves me.  He does little things of kindness for me when I need it.  I need to remind myself of these things when Satan is having a little more pull on me. I encourage you to go and read the whole article for yourself.

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