Thursday, January 30, 2014

"Baptism and the Gift of the Holy Ghost"

Teachings of Presidents of the Church
Lorenzo Snow

I love studying the gospel!  This is the first time in my life that I have made it a priority and I am so glad I have.  Some days I learn new things and am impressed by what is said.  Other days I don't learn anything and am not impressed.  I am grateful for the days that I do.  Today I was enlightened about baptism.  I was baptized when I was eight and my eldest daughter has been baptized.  I have never thought of why we do exactly what we do with baptism.  I may have heard at some point part of what I read but never felt it so deeply before.  There are some great scriptures from the New Testament that give it more meaning.  In John 3:23 it says he traveled to a city that had much water.  If only a sprinkling was sufficient why would he travel to a place that had much water?  There are a few scriptures that signify that they were all the way in the water.  The Saviour came up out of the water (Matthew 3:16).  Eunuch went down into the water and then came up out of the water (Acts 8:26-38).  The symbol that I think I have heard of before is that going in the water is like being buried and coming up again is like the resurrection (Romans 6:4,; Colossians 2:12).

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

"Holy Scriptures: The Power of God unto Our Salvation"

Ensign November 2006
General Conference

I love the scriptures.  I didn't always love to read them and didn't always understand them.  I still don't always understand them.  I continue to read them and at different times I am enlightened.  It awes and amazes me what God and his children have done to preserve the scriptures.  I love how it says that Enos cried unto the Lord to preserve the scriptures.  If only everyone valued the scriptures that much.  I love this quote, "Take hold of the scriptures!  Cling to them, walk by them, live by them, rejoice in them, feast of them.  Don't nibble."  "The scriptures have been 'kept and preserved [for us] by the hand of the Lord...for a wise purpose in him.'"  "The Lord covenanted with Enos to preserve and bring forth the scriptures 'in his...due time.' Of the Book of  Mormon, the prophet Moroni recorded, it was 'written and sealed up, and hid up unto the Lord that they might not be destroyed.'"  I am so thankful that they were preserved and I have the opportunity to read and learn from them.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

"He Heals the Heavy Laden"

Ensign November 2006
General Conference

I just love when you read something you have heard hundreds of times in your life but at certain times in your life or different talks you learn something new, or think of it differently. 

When I hear or read about Jesus healing I always think of physical sickness and disease.  I have never thought of the emotional, mental or spiritual but he healed them all.  There are so many more afflictions than just physical ones.  When he called for the lame, blind and physical ailments he also invited those that were afflicted in any manner.  They brought forth all of them that were afflicted in any manner and Jesus did heal them every one.

It goes on to say that the Priesthood is given the power to heal all manner of sickness and disease.  What really got to me was then it said that the Savior could heal all  but those who hold the Priesthood authority are limited by the will of God.

Another good thought is that healing blessings will be suited to each individual.  "Sometimes a “healing” cures our illness or lifts our burden. But sometimes we are “healed” by being given strength or understanding or patience to bear the burdens placed upon us."

Friday, January 10, 2014

"Come Let us Adore Him"

Ensign December 2013

It has been awhile since I have posted but I have read and learned so many things I want to share.  I just seem to never get around to it!  So thus this article is from last month.  Even though Christmas is over I loved this so much I have to share it.

"The innkeeper has come down in history as somewhat notorious. Yet given the crowding throughout the region during Passover, we can hardly blame him for having no room to offer the couple from Nazareth. While the majority of Passover pilgrims camped out in thousands of tents pitched on the plains around Jerusalem, thousands of others sought refuge in the local inns, known as caravansaries or khans. The Bethlehem inn was no doubt overflowing, and the innkeeper’s offering of the stable was likely an act of genuine kindness.
Even had the couple found room in the inn, it would have offered only primitive accommodations. A typical khan of the period was a stone structure consisting of a series of small rooms, each with only three walls and open to public view on one side. The stable, however, was likely a walled courtyard or even a limestone cave, where animals belonging to the guests were kept.5 Whether in courtyard, cave, or other refuge, Christ’s birth among the animals did have one conspicuous advantage over the crowded interior of an inn: here at least were peace and privacy. In this sense, the offering of the stable was a blessing, allowing the most sacred birth in human history to take place in reverent solitude."

What a wonderful thought that the innkeeper was probably being kind.  The stable may have not been an ideal place to give birth but at least you weren't in public view!  I am so thankful for the day Christ was born!