Friday, January 10, 2014

"Come Let us Adore Him"

Ensign December 2013

It has been awhile since I have posted but I have read and learned so many things I want to share.  I just seem to never get around to it!  So thus this article is from last month.  Even though Christmas is over I loved this so much I have to share it.

"The innkeeper has come down in history as somewhat notorious. Yet given the crowding throughout the region during Passover, we can hardly blame him for having no room to offer the couple from Nazareth. While the majority of Passover pilgrims camped out in thousands of tents pitched on the plains around Jerusalem, thousands of others sought refuge in the local inns, known as caravansaries or khans. The Bethlehem inn was no doubt overflowing, and the innkeeper’s offering of the stable was likely an act of genuine kindness.
Even had the couple found room in the inn, it would have offered only primitive accommodations. A typical khan of the period was a stone structure consisting of a series of small rooms, each with only three walls and open to public view on one side. The stable, however, was likely a walled courtyard or even a limestone cave, where animals belonging to the guests were kept.5 Whether in courtyard, cave, or other refuge, Christ’s birth among the animals did have one conspicuous advantage over the crowded interior of an inn: here at least were peace and privacy. In this sense, the offering of the stable was a blessing, allowing the most sacred birth in human history to take place in reverent solitude."

What a wonderful thought that the innkeeper was probably being kind.  The stable may have not been an ideal place to give birth but at least you weren't in public view!  I am so thankful for the day Christ was born!

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