Monday, October 28, 2013

"1,000 Things to be Thankful For" and "My Prayers of Gratitude"

September 2013

I loved these two articles and they applied to me at just the right time.  Lately it seems that my need list is so large that it makes my want list non existent.  One day I was feeling really down thinking of all the things I wanted  but couldn't even get if we had money because of needs.  My dear husband is so good and tries to get me to see the positive in life.  I finally thought I do have things that I want.  I have a tv in my bedroom.  I have cable so I can relax at night and watch my shows.  I do have many things to be grateful for.  Those were just a couple!  Go read the articles and think of the things you do have and are grateful for!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"His Grace is Sufficient"

I loved this article.  It had such a good analogy that I understood Grace so much more than I have.  It inspires me to be better and appreciate the gift of grace.  I love the saying, "There should never be just two options: perfection or giving up".  Please go read this article because I liked the whole entire thing.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

General Women's Conference

This year I was able to attend at the Conference Center.  This was my first time going there for a conference.  I am grateful to my sister for getting tickets for my mom and I.  I love General Conference.  I absolutely love seeing thousands of people gather together to listen to these inspired speakers.  I love hearing thousands of people singing the hymns. 

I looked at all these women who have a testimony or want one and belong to the church.  As I looked at them though I realized that not one of them were perfect.  If you looked at each individual woman you would know that they all have weakness.  That they all have at some point made a mistake.  Some of them may have yelled at their children that week.  Some of them may have said an unkind word or had an unkind thought about somebody.  Maybe some of them don't read their scriptures or say their prayers on a regular basis.  Maybe some don't pay tithing, attend church or the temple regularly.  They are there though because they have a desire to do and be better.  The members of the church are not perfect but the gospel is.

One of the things that touched me that night was actually one of the songs the congregation sang.  It was "I'll Go Where You Want Me To Go".  It hit me because I struggle with being a stay at home mom.  I was struggling more than usual that week.  I quit my job because I felt that was what I needed to do and I heard the spirit whisper to me that I would be blessed.  I felt as we were singing that I was to be a stay at home mom and so, "I'll be what you want me to be".

I hope that all of you will listen to the prophet and other inspired speakers this weekend.  For those of you who follow me but are not members or are inactive you can watch on Channel 5.  You can also watch it online at

Friday, September 6, 2013

My Testimony

Just a two or three weeks ago I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the second time in my life.  I am so glad that I have found a method that is easy for me to read so that I have been able to read the whole thing.  I have a testimony that this book is a true book from God to help us learn of him, of Jesus and to become better people.  Both times I have finished it I have not had a big confirmation that it's true at the end.  I have had strong feeling and thoughts at different points in my reading of the book.  I am so thankful to have such a loving Heavenly Father who loves me and cares for me.  I know that he is there to comfort us, guide us and help us through this life if we just ask.  I know that he has a plan and has had from the beginning.
  I know that there is a Savior and he suffered for our sins.  I am thankful that he went through so much and sacrificed so much for me.  I believe that I will live again and that I will be able to live with him and God again and have my family by my side forever.
   I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet.  I am so grateful to him that he had the desire to find the true church.  I am grateful that despite the persecutions he went through he stayed true to what he knew.  He has brought to us many great truths and gifts.  I am glad that Heavenly Father found someone and was willing to give back to us so much.
  I know that this church is true and I am grateful for so many blessings in my life.  My testimony is my most precious possession.

"An Unspeakable Gift from God"

General Cfnerence
November 2012

I really enjoyed this talk.  I do not recall hearing a talk specifically about the Holy Ghost.  The following are a few questions that were answered about the Holy Ghost.  Who is the Holy Ghost?  What is the mission of the Holy Ghost?  How does the Holy Ghost speak to us?  What does it mean to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost?  A sentence that really struck me was "The Holy Ghost loves us and wants us to be happy".  I have never really thought about the Holy Ghost being an actual person who loves and us and helps us.  The Holy Ghost even helps those who are not members.  He is not with them on a daily basis but can help warn or inspire them.  I think that it is incredible and that we have such a loving Heavenly Father who would provide this gift for us.  I know and believe that the Holy Ghost is a true member of the Godhead.  I hope that each of you will read this article.

Monday, August 12, 2013

"Whom the Lord Calls He Qualifies"

July 2013

"Your power will be multiplied many times by the Lord.  All He asks is that you give your best effort and your whole heart.  Do it cheerfully and with the prayer of faith.  The Father and His Beloved Son will send the Holy Ghost as your companion to guide you.  Your efforts will be magnified in the lives of the people you serve."  President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidenc

They gave a few scriptures to reference callings.  There were two of them that I really liked.

"We do not seek callings, nor do we typically decline callings that come through proper priesthood authority (see Moses 6:31-32)."

"All callings are equally important; the Church needs nursery leaders as much as Relief Society presidents (see 1 Corinthians 12:14-18).  How we serve is more important than where we serve."

"Your Holy Places"

General Conference
May 2013

I really loved this article.  All of the young women talks were good.  What a great theme they have this year.  This article explains that no matter where you are or what the circumstances are you can make it your holy place.  A really significant example is of Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail.  He was in a horrid place being treated awful both emotionally and physically.  In spite of that he referred to it as a "prison-temple".  One girl decorated her room in such a way that it was her holy place.  I hope to help Sariah make her room a holy place.  Another girl had a tough time in high school and said the band room was her holy place because of the atmosphere the teacher created.  One of my favorite places that was mentioned is nature.  I love to go up in the mountains and I feel so calm and peaceful and feel closer to God.  I hope that everyone is able to find their holy place and use it as much as they need.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Faith of the Islanders

Ensign June 2013

There was another good article about faith and doubting.  I like the last three paragraphs so I'm just going to quote those.

"When challenges to my beliefs arise, I want to be able to do what the Lord told Oliver Cowdery to do 'Cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things.  Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter?  What greater witness can you have than from God?' (D&C 6:22-23).  Such remembering leads to unwavering faith."

"This type of faith is pure and free of distractions.  It is devoted and accepting.  It affirms: 'I know this.  I do not need to question it again.'"

"Exercising this kind of faith in our Heavenly Father and His plan allows His power to be active in our lives.  It does not yield to attacks on our beliefs, to weariness, or to the unknown.  It allows us to say, 'He lives!' And that, for me, is enough."

Friday, July 26, 2013

Finding the Way to Personal Revelation and "Lord, I Believe"

Ensign June 2013
Ensign May 2013 General Conference

When I do my studying I read the Book of Mormon, an article from the monthly Ensign and an article out of the General Conference Ensign.  There was one quote out of the first article that really stood out.  Then I went onto the next article and they tied together really well.

1st Article
"As you emphasize your faith and not your doubts, your faith will grow."  Whereas if you emphasize your doubts it will start as a little snowball and just continue down the mountain until it is an avalanche.

2nd Article
I loved this whole article.  I love when the father of the afflicted child says, "Lord I believe; help thou mine unbelief."  "Even if ye can no more than desire to believe let this desire work in you, even until ye believe."  That is how I gained a testimony.  I had a desire to believe and be and do good so I nurtured it until now I have a strong testimony.  It took and still takes work to keep it.  I could have just as easily nurtured the other side.  "In moments of fear or doubt or troubling times, hold the ground you have already won, even if that ground is limited."  What a powerful message.  Remember the faith you have and cling to it. "Be kind regarding human frailty--your own as as that of those who serve with you in a Church led by volunteer, mortal men and woman.  Except in the case of His only perfect Begotten Son, imperfect people are all God has ever had to work with.  That must be terribly frustrating to Him, but He deals with it.  So should we."  It's frustrating when people judge the church by the way some of the people act.  Just because people are imperfect does not mean the gospel is not true.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Lord's Way

General Conference
May 2013

I love how he would ask, "Do you want me to speak directly or with sugar?"  I really love this quote, "God has the way to live, to love, to help, to pray, to talk, to interact with each other, to lead, to marry, to raise children, to learn, to know the truth, to share the gospel, to choose wisely what we eat, etc."  "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts," (Isaiah 55:8-9)  More and more people these days "every man walketh in his own way." (D&C 1:16)  I'm just going to quote the next thing because I can't think of another way to say it.  "The Lord has His way, or the way to love.  Those of the world say that what really matters is that two people love each other.  Our Father in heaven teaches that this is important, but he teaches us more: that there is an authorized way and time to express that love."  When Joseph Smith was asked how he led the church he said that he taught the correct principles and then the members would govern themselves.  It's not true when people say we are just blindly following doing what we're told.  Not everyone pays tithing.  Not everyone keeps the sabbath day holy.  Just look at the news to see that not everyone is doing what they are told.  We listen to what we're told to do and then we choose for ourselves whether we want to do it or not.

The Eternal Importance of Honesty

Ensign April 2010

This was a good article.  Here is my favorite part, "Remember, the Lord expects us as members of His Church not only to appear to be good but also to actually be good.  We are ultimately responsible to learn gospel principles and apply them in our lives."  I think there are a lot of people that are really great at putting on a facade.  The last part also applies to why we learn the same thing over and over.  We have learned the principles but are we applying them in our lives?

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


General Conference May 2013

The Savior Wants to Forgive

Peter once asked how many times he was to forgive he brother and asked "Till seven times?"  The Savior responded "I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven."  I found it interesting that more than 20 times the Savior told Joseph Smith that his sins were forgiven over many years.  It is a comfort that except a very few sins forgiveness is not based upon the severity of the sin.  It is also a comfort that he does not demand immediate perfection but improvement over time.  Though we will be forgiven seventy times seven we are not to take advantage and willingly return to sin.  An excellent piece of advice about sinning is "Leaders and members to 'not be shocked or discouraged' if investigators or new members continue to struggle with such problems."